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Author: Evan Adams



Foster City has always had a healthy continuing discussion about the desire for a local High School. This document found in our archives is from the 1990’s group the “Citizens Allied for a Multipurpose Unified School” and lays out some of the arguments 30 years ago for a High School.

Draeger’s (San Mateo) 1997

Draeger’s (San Mateo) 1997

The Historical Society has a lot of older newspapers. Never archived at in any of the local libraries. Foster City used to have a newspaper called the Foster City Progress. Here is the front page story on the San Mateo Draeger’s opening in June 1997. Today the Draeger’s is set to close soon. However, it was once new, some 26 years ago, in 1997.

Foster City Housing Element 2002 (Cycle 4)

Foster City Housing Element 2002 (Cycle 4)

Foster City in 2022 is in the process of updating our housing element for RHNA Cycle 6 (2021-29). What did people think in 2002 vs 2022? Let’s find out! These documents were found in the Foster City Historical Society Archives. The ABAG handout for the Cycle 4 housing element, an advertisement for the General Plan Update for the housing element and a Council Corner from Councilmember Russ Harter. All written in 2002. Foster City Islander 1/16/2002 Foster City Council Corner…

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Foster City Home Owners’ Landscape Planting and Maintenance Guide (1960’s ?)

Foster City Home Owners’ Landscape Planting and Maintenance Guide (1960’s ?)

Happy to share with the community another gem of landscaping Foster City. This item was found in a garage and we believe it to be original. It is the Foster City Home Owners’ Landscape Planting and Maintenance Guide and it goes through some of the original planting guidelines in Foster City. The documents are not dated but due to the thick high quality paper, typeface and oxidation on the pages we suspect his is from the 1960’s.

1993 Recreation Center Feasibility Study

1993 Recreation Center Feasibility Study

Today we are happy to share with the community the 1993 Foster City Recreation Center Feasibility Study. As Foster City launches into a new $40+ Million Dollar Recreation Center project plan it is informative to show the last major change to the recreation center. (William Walker Recreation Center) This is a 50+ page report with many details. It may be informative to current projects to understand where Foster City came from and how the recreation center has evolved over many decades.

Foster City Tree Inventory 2000

Foster City Tree Inventory 2000

This is the Foster City Tree Inventory from 2000. Foster City has seen many trees die recently. Why? Many trees are non native and they haven’t thrived. Also many trees have slowly failed. Did you know Foster City’s salt water table is only a few feet deep? So trees that have deep roots don’t thrive in Foster City due to the salt water. YET, trees with shallow roots infiltrate pipes, homes, and do damage to streets and crosswalks. It is a careful balance.

Foster City Community Beautification

Foster City Community Beautification

Recently the Foster City Council started an ad hoc subcommittee called Community Beautification. Vice Mayor (2022) Froomin & Councilmember Sullivan sit on the committee. This committee is tasked with improving old signage in town and improving the user experience when people come into and navigate Foster City. “The Community Beautification Ad Hoc Subcommittee helps identify ways to improve the City’s physical image and appearance (including but not limited to the City’s entry landmarks/monuments, signs, etc.).” Councilmember Sullivan directed us to…

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