1957 – Foster City could have been a Recreation Hub & Disney like amusement center for the Bay Area
1957 – Foster City could have been a Recreation Hub & Disney like amusement center for the Bay Area
Foster City has always had a healthy continuing discussion about the desire for a local High School. This document found in our archives is from the 1990’s group the “Citizens Allied for a Multipurpose Unified School” and lays out some of the arguments 30 years ago for a High School.
From the June 1997 Foster City Progress an advertisement for foster city in the real-estate section of the paper.
The Historical Society has a lot of older newspapers. Never archived at in any of the local libraries. Foster City used to have a newspaper called the Foster City Progress. Here is the front page story on the San Mateo Draeger’s opening in June 1997. Today the Draeger’s is set to close soon. However, it was once new, some 26 years ago, in 1997.