Summer Festivals in Foster City

Summer Festivals in Foster City

For years Foster City had the “Art & Wine Festival.” It then became “City Fest”. The last City Fest was 2018. In 2019 it was canceled and the city put on an event called “Summer Days“. The Foster City Chamber of Commerce was in the lead on this for years until changes caused them to have to cancel the event.

Google interestingly caught the below image we believe from 2019 from overhead. Showing the colorful tents and attractions. It appears this was during setup because all of Shell Blvd (to the North) gets taken over with smaller booths. Food vendors, community groups, service organizations, and sponsors of the event from local emplyers and event sponsors like Gillead

Summer Days or City Fest as Captured from Google Earth (must be 2018 or 2019)
Photo from Pinterest

Here is a link to the PDF of the events in 2019: Foster City Summer Days Schedule of Events

From City of Foster City

2020 unfortunately had the pandemic with Covid and that continued into 2021. But, 2021 saw a return of the Rubber Ducky Races. The Ducky Races were traditionally (1970’s – 1980’s) part of the 4th of July celebrations. In 2021 they were their own event.

What will come in 2022? Stay tuned. This website says Art and Wine may return in 2022:

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