Our New Logo
The Foster City Historical Society was established in recognition of the city’s rich history and cultural heritage. Our new logo combines the rotunda gazebo in Leo J. Ryan park, sunrise, bridge, and sailboat which are all important elements in this history, each with its own unique story to tell.
The rotunda gazebo, situated in the heart of the city served as a gathering place for the community. Over the years, it has been a venue for countless events, from weddings to musical performances. It remains an iconic landmark of Foster City and a symbol of its community spirit.
The sunrise over the bay is a breathtaking sight that has inspired many artists and writers over the years. It represents the natural beauty of the area and the way in which it has influenced the lives of its residents. For many, watching the sunrise is a reminder of the city’s future, and a chance to reflect on its rich history.
Foster City bridges are the testament to the city’s innovative spirit and commitment to progress. They are a symbol of what can be achieved when a community comes together to solve a problem, and they serve as a reminder of the importance of investing in infrastructure and development. As Foster City continues to grow and thrive, its bridges will remain a source of pride and inspiration for generations to come.
The easily recognized sailboat from the logo of City of Foster City is a symbol of the city’s connection to the water and its maritime heritage. The sailboat represents the city residents’ continued love of the water and the outdoors.

The Foster City Historical Society recognizes the importance of preserving these elements of the city’s past, while also looking to the future. By studying and celebrating the history of Foster City, we can learn from our past and build a stronger, more vibrant community. The rotunda gazebo, sunrise, bridge, and sailboat are all part of this history, and they serve as reminders of the city’s rich heritage and the potential for continued growth and prosperity.

The classic and original Foster City Historical Society Logo has now been retired. The society used that logo since the 1990’s. It was hand drawn and not able to be easily reproduced. The new logo maintains the same themes.