Foster City Preliminary Master Plan for Recreation & Parks (September 5th 1968)
“From the moment one passes over the lagoon upon entering Foster City over a beautifully lighted arched bridge, a marine atmosphere is apparent; even at times and places water is not visible, its presence is felt, at least psychologically. Opportunities for aquatic views from such places as the Lobster Trap Restaurant provide the opportunity to combine dining with views of the lagoon.”
“Leisure with dignity is the supremely desirable object of all sane and good men.”
This was when Neighborhoods 1 & 2 were developed. #3 was underway with Town Center and Lagoons planned out. A survey was conducted and 435 households in Foster City participated in 1968. At the time 435 represented 25% of the 1681 households at that time. An astronomical rate of public participation.
This plan was written in October 1968 when Foster city had a total population of 7,822 but the plan forecast an eventual population in Foster City in 2020 as 34,956. In 2022, Foster City’s population was 32,026.
This was NOT THE FIRST Recreation and parks master plan. “Recreation and Park Master Plan, prepared by Kenneth R. Anderson Co., Inc. in September 1965 and contains detailed breakdown of the original concepts, sizes, functions, etc. which fixed the present parks and school sites,.
When people talk about a master planned community many things change over time but the overall guidance for the plan should be consistent. We hope this plan can show what was expected, so to better understand what was lost through time and through compromise. But also, what is still to be achieved in future through the new 2024 Parks Master Plan.